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This page shows the results of the various categories / age groups that are offered at this event.

Event name WRO Friendship Invitational 2019 Denmark
Event date 03.08.2019 -04.08.2019
Views of this page 9200
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Regular Category

The tables below show the results for one age group. You can see more details of the particular run by clicking on the points. The following ranking criteria has been used to create the ranking for this event.

Ranking Criteria

  • Sum of points from best run from Day 1 and best run from 2nd-Day-Challenge
  • Points of best run from 2nd-Day-Challenge
  • Points of 2. best run from Day 1
  • Points of 2. best run from 2nd-Day-Challenge
  • After that, teams are ranked the same place.


Team Day 1 Day 2
1. Russia Roadster 165 170 170 150 150 150 320
2. Korea Black Knight 165 125 165 90 120 120 285
3. Russia Nimbus2019 165 20 40 90 120 60 285
4. Iran Smart Boys 150 165 165 60 60 90 255
5. Ukraine Rainy Brain 100 160 80 90 60 0 250
6. Japan RITS-BOT 0 15 95 0 150 0 245
7. China Beiguo team 45 80 150 30 90 90 240
8. Hungary Csillámpóni 145 130 0 60 30 90 235
9. India HI-TECH TRANSPORTERTES 165 110 35 30 30 60 225
10. Switzerland Robofactory KIDZ 15 155 155 0 60 60 215
11. Korea M.W.B. 15 15 165 30 0 0 195
12. Hong Kong A-School Robotic Team 15 55 95 90 90 90 185
13. USA The Transational Taxis -EFK 60 15 20 120 0 0 180
14. Bahrain Bayan Elem 15 0 55 120 90 120 175
15. Mexico Colegio Juan Rulfo KAE 0 115 105 0 60 0 175
16. Armenia Minders 50 130 115 30 0 0 160
17. Macau PCMS B 155 85 115 0 0 0 155
18. Macau PS ROBOTTEAM 15 15 55 30 30 90 145
19. Iran Rain city 1 130 80 80 0 0 0 130
20. Spain Innova’t mini 65 5 25 60 0 0 125
21. Romania STEM Kids Jupiter 10 65 15 30 60 0 125
22. USA Super Uber 30 55 60 60 0 0 120
23. Romania WEDO ROBOFUN 55 50 0 0 60 60 115
24. Morocco Avatars 55 15 15 60 60 0 115
25. Armenia Whiz Kids 65 40 85 30 0 0 115
26. Colombia PocoBots 5 20 15 90 60 60 110
27. India DYNAMIOC TRANSPORTERS 20 0 0 90 90 90 110
28. India SMART TRANSPORTERS 15 0 55 0 30 0 85
29. Greece STEM Robotics Academy 0 85 55 0 0 0 85
30. Morocco Activelabs Girls 0 15 15 0 60 0 75
31. China C-N-E-W 15 5 5 60 0 0 75
32. South Africa Star Minds 0 0 15 30 0 60 75
33. South Africa Brain Squad 15 10 35 0 30 30 65
34. Panama PANAMA 55 15 5 0 0 0 55
35. Philippines JJAL Kids Robotics Workshop 20 15 50 0 0 0 50
36. Italy Aventadore Svj 0 0 0 30 0 0 30
37. Italy ILAB 1 0 15 15 0 0 0 15
37. Italy ILAB 2 15 15 15 0 0 0 15
37. Armenia Super Minds 10 15 15 0 0 0 15
40. Nigeria TEAM AJAYI 8 15 0 0 0 0 15
41. Nigeria TEAM GOLDFIRE 1 0 15 0 0 0 0 15
42. Germany kk-bots 5 5 5 0 0 0 5



Open Category

The tables below show the results for one age group. The points are based on an average of every single sheet the judges filled out.

Results age group Elementary

Team Points
1. Hungary Robotkutya 150.67
2. Germany Juice Beetle 108.17
3. China GEARS 85.83

Results age group Junior

Team Points
1. Hong Kong UCCKE 156.17
2. Germany attraktivundpreiswert 147.67
3. Hungary Kiskutya 140.83
4. Philippines Living Stone International School - Nexus Team 135.67
5. Turkey Robokod SKAL 131.67
6. Iran Rain City 3 122.67
7. Italy Explosivi 108.17
8. Romania ROBOTIC RAPTORS 82.83
9. Romania LearnEX Junior 70.67

Results age group Senior

Team Points
1. Philippines DYCI NOUVUS 189.00
2. Hungary FRTMásodik Mlet 176.33
3. Hong Kong Altair 158.67
4. Turkey ROBOTED 144.67
5. Romania LearnEX Senior 101.83
6. Canada Nova Team 81.33
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