Test System - All entered data could be deleted at any time.
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This page shows the results of the various categories / age groups that are offered at this event.

Event name Test RM FI
Event date 14.06.2024 -16.06.2024
Views of this page 269
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The tables below show the results for one age group. You can see more details of the particular run by clicking on the points. The following ranking criteria has been used to create the ranking for this event.

Ranking Criteria

  • Sum of points from best run from Day 1 and best run from 2nd-Day-Challenge
  • Sum of time from best run from Day 1 and best run from 2nd-Day-Challenge
  • Points of best run from 2nd-Day-Challenge
  • Time of best run from 2nd-Day-Challenge
  • After that, teams are ranked the same place.


The results are not yet available.

Future Innovators

The tables below show the results for one age group. The points are based on an average of every single sheet the judges filled out.

The results for this category are not published yet.
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