Test System - All entered data could be deleted at any time.
Premium Partner

Regular Category Puntaje

Evento WRO International Final 2019
Categoría/ Grupo de edad Regular Category / Elementary
Equipo Teamwork Happiness
Día Día 1
Ejecutar 3

# Tareas Cada una Total
Red / Yellow / Green / White Passenger (adult or child):
  • Standing and in the correct target area
  • Completely in the target area
Red / Yellow / Green / White Passenger (adult or child):
  • Not standing but in the correct target area
  • Completely in the target area
Red / Yellow / Green / White Passenger (adult or child):
  • Standing or not standing but in the correct target area
  • Partly in the target area
Red / Yellow / Green / White Passenger (adult or child):
  • Standing but in a different target area
  • Completely in the target area
  • that is not the start area of the passenger, not the charging station area, and not the start / finish area of the robot
Red / Yellow / Green / White Passenger (adult or child):
  • Not standing and in a different target area
  • Completely in the target area
  • that is not the start area of the passenger, not the charging station area, and not the start / finish area of the robot
Blue Passenger (adult or child, depending on draw) still standing in initial position in the green area.
(only if points for other passengers are assigned)
One battery block is completely in the Battery Area.
One battery block is partly in the Battery Area.
Robot completely stops within the Start & Finish Area.
(only if points for passengers are assigned)
Robot damages or displaces a wall from its initial position. -5
Regla sorpresa
Total de puntos
Tiempo en segundos

Gold Partner
Silver Partner