Test System - All entered data could be deleted at any time.
Premium Partner

Future Engineers Scoring

Event GermanyTest
Category / Age group Future Engineers / Future Engineers
Team Team_1
Type Qualifying Matches
Round 1

# Tasks Each Total
The vehicle drives from a section in the match driving direction. This is applicable for the starting section, but not applicable for the finish section and other section next after it. 1
The vehicle drives a full lap. 8 sections were passed successfully in the match driving direction. The starting section is included in the eight sections for the first lap. The lap is considered as completed if the vehicle completely drives out of the last (corner) section in the lap. So, the vehicle is able to start moving in the opposite direction after this and the lap will be still taken into account. 1
After the completion of three laps the vehicle stopped in the finish section. 4
The team performed repairing actions by taking the vehicle out of the field even if the actions were not successful. halved
The team has been disqualified. disqualified
Total points:
Time in seconds

Gold Partner
Silver Partner